Uber Like App has affirmed to have enhanced the features in Uber Clone app’s Admin dashboard, the company has upgraded the “Earnings Report” feature in the app along with certain other features. The earnings report feature has been given a makeover, and a few necessary tweaks have been added to the same. The new feature of commission calculator has been embedded in the dashboard, this gives a sizeable control to admins, and this helps in calculating the commissions that the driver partners are receiving each day. The reports now generated are laser precise and calculate each dime of commissions that are generated in each ride declares the company. “We have ensured that our features enable admins to have proper control of the entire application” - Said the spokesperson. Another feature added to the admin dashboard is the seamless handling of sub-admins due, giving each sub-admin the right amount of access. The motto of the company can be spelt out in a single line, why cr...